Holy Assembly Revival

Ministry Updates

Pastors' Cup

Melbourne Australia

The governing places of Jesus and administration of the Anointing oil.

The Lord showed me that He was wanting to bring a cup to Pastors. I saw a vision of tallits  (the Jewish Prayer Shawl) laid on the floor of a church auditorium. These tallits represented the Anointing. This anointing had been unaccounted for and not harnessed. The Lord wanted to arm pastors with an understanding in how the anointing was to be sealed for His glory. The accounting of the anointing administered to His people will lead to an honoring of His increase in churches.

Keys will be given to prepare leaders where the Lord has appointed His increase.

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Pastor's Cup


to open - stay tuned.


*The Governing places of Jesus

*Song of Solomon: "His Name is as ointment poured forth"

*How the covenant is made void - Keys to His Administration

*The Ascension - Sealing the anointing - From the place of His Ascension.


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